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Veteran who learned to walk again helps launch Erskine’s new legacy campaign

Erskine, Scotland’s largest Veterans’ charity, has launched a new Legacies campaign to encourage supporters to leave a gift in their Will as it looks to raise over £10 million per year to provide vital support to over 1,000 of our nation’s heroes.

On a day-to-day basis legacies have a profound effect on the lives of Veterans across Erskine’s network of homes, including 71-year-old Erskine resident William Haynes, who stays at The Erskine Home in Bishopton.

William left school in Rothesay at 15 before he joined the Army at just 17, where his service included two stints in Northern Ireland. Upon leaving the army nine years later, he returned to Scotland and started his own business in Motherwell.

Unfortunately, he suffered from slipped discs, which he still lives with today, which required him to move into sheltered housing, confined to a wheelchair. However, thanks to the funding of legators, he was able to move to Erskine in March 2020, begin working with the physiotherapy team and is now back on his feet walking short distances.

He proved how far he has come by walking to lay a wreath on behalf of the Erskine Veterans at the Armistice Day service at The Erskine Home on 11th November.

William said: “Erskine is second to none, I don’t know where I would be without everyone here and what they have done for me. The physio staff have got me up and moving again, something that I previously struggled to even dream of. To be able to lay a wreath on Armistice Day was truly fitting and I can’t put into words how thankful I am to the Erskine staff for providing me with the care and support I needed to make that a reality.

“Without vital legacy funding, Veterans like myself wouldn’t be able to enjoy a new lease of life upon leaving in the army. The around the clock care that they provide is special, but they need your support to ensure that they can continue to care for the future generations. I would urge you, if you are able to, to leave a legacy to Erskine.”

The charity’s unique offering is tailored for the daily needs of residents and service users of all ages and helps Veterans and their families to maintain their independence and maximise their abilities as much as possible through specialist support and outreach programmes.

Some of Erskine Veterans are older and frailer than ever before. The average Erskine resident is 85 years old, lives with at least four concurrent illnesses and requires seven medications. In addition, over 65% of Erskine residents now live with a dementia diagnosis or severe cognitive impairment.

In the past legacy donations from supporters have helped replace Veterans Cottages within the Veterans Village in Bishopton and allowed Erskine to embark on a new initiative of offering Assisted Living Apartments to Veterans still able to live independently.

Wing Commander Ian Cumming MBE, Erskine Chief Executive, said: “Our new legacy campaign shows the potential very real impact of conflict and how it will continue to affect the future generations. Erskine wants to be there to continue to provide the support that many of our Veterans require, and there is no more valuable contribution than by leaving a gift in your Will – doing so will benefit every generation to come and help provide futures for the brave.”

Through a gift in your Will, you could provide a brighter future for Veterans. Even just 1% of your estate can make a huge difference. Erskine offers free Will writing for all supporters, with support from the National Free Wills Network and Bequeathed. For more information on leaving a legacy and Will writing, please visit: 

Link to new advert: (2) Erskine One Day Video 60 seconds - YouTube

To find out more about Erskine’s work please visit our website at, follow on twitter @ErskineCharity via Facebook or listen to Erskine Veterans Radio at  To donate directly to Erskine, please visit

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