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24th June 2021
Army Veteran John Baillie has been marching towards Armed Forces Day for Erskine to raise funds for the charity’s Veterans. John from Inverness saw the March for Erskine campaign and was inspired to get involved after feeling unwell and not himself after his second covid vaccination.
John said: “Marching for Erskine gave me the motivation I was looking for. Something to aim for which would help take my mind of how low I felt after my second covid injection. I decided to give myself a decent target. I’ve only got two miles to go so by Armed Forces Day on Saturday I will have completed my challenge of walking 120 miles.”
John is no stranger to fundraising for charity. In 2019, he rowed one million metres on his trusty rowing machine in various locations throughout the Highlands, raising over £7,500 for Erskine.
“After having previously raised funds for Erskine by sitting on a rowing machine, I wanted the challenge of walking this time. So I’ve gone from sitting to walking. Due to restrictions I didn’t venture too far so most of my walking was in the Inverness area” John said.
John, who is a former Staff Sergeant 2/51 Highlands Volunteer having served in the Adjutant General’s Corps, is a long standing supporter of Erskine. Ask John, what’s next – and you’ve guessed it – he is already thinking about 2022 and what his next challenge for Erskine could be!
You can support John via his Just Giving page here: