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27th November 2024
50 Supporters Walk the Walk for Erskine
We are thrilled to announce that our 50 brave souls who bared their "soles" on Friday night have raised the fantastic amount of over £8,000 and still counting.
Erskine Community Fundraising Manager Jim Watret said: "It was a brilliant night and to be honest we still haven't reached the final total of funds raised yet as money is still coming in. We had a fantastic turnout. We would like to thank UK Firewalk for hosting the evening for us, WRC Recycling for all their help, our brilliant volunteers and Jamie Williamson for the all fantastic images."
If you would like to see more images from the evening please visit the Erskine Veterans Charity Facebook page or click on the link. Erskine Bishopton Firewalk 2024
Funds raised on the evening will allow Erskine to continue providing unrivalled support to Veterans through care homes, activity centres and the Veterans Village.