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25th March 2025
Never too many cooks at ERMAC
Over the past year, as a result of the Sainsbury's Helping Everyone Eat Better Community Grant, we have been able to run weekly cookery sessions at the Erskine Reid Macewen Activity Centre. Veterans attending the sessions have had the opportunity to produce low-cost, nutritious, healthy meals for themselves, and their peers at the Centre; they’ve even hosted community social events for Veterans, spouses & carers, including an American BBQ, Christmas party, and Burns Night buffet.
One of our elderly Veterans was widowed in recent years and became entirely dependent upon ready meals and takeaways. Through joining the cookery sessions, he has developed the confidence to start shopping for himself again and now makes simple meals at home, which are healthier and much more affordable.
The classes provide opportunities for social interaction, in a safe environment, and over time members of the group have become increasingly close and supportive of one another. They have also become quite adventurous in what they cook and eat! Shortly before Christmas, one member found a recipe for a fish and chicken soup, which the group agreed (somewhat reluctantly) to cook and try; it was something different, something nobody had eaten before, but it went down a treat and everyone enjoyed the soup – and most members went on to make it again, at home. The group has also explored foods from other countries and recently made Caribbean fishcakes. We’ve found that all members of the group have introduced more pulses and vegetables into their diets, become more interested in healthy food, and are much more open to finding out what they can do with fresh ingredients, both in our classes and at home.
Funding from the Sainsbury's Helping Everyone Eat Better Community Grant has undoubtedly enabled us to provide healthy and affordable meals to far more Veterans than we would have otherwise been able to. Importantly, we’ve been able to teach our members new skills which will have long-term benefits, including budgeting, shopping, and the preparation and cooking of nutritious food. We are hugely grateful for the support of both Sainsbury’s and Neighbourly – thank you!
For further information, please contact Susan Hamilton, Communications Officer, at 0141 814 4719 or email
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